19th June 2025 - Room 351
08:30 AM – 10:30 AM: Facial Feminization – Sculpting Beauty from Bone to Soft Tissue
Chairs: Pr S.M. Balaji & Pr Mohammad Sartawi
08.30 am – 08.55 am: Transforming Transitions: The Essential Role of Lifting Techniques Post Bone Remodeling in Transgender Patients. Dr Nicola Beneducce (Italy)
08.55 am – 09.20 am: Transforming Beauty: The Evolution of Forehead Feminization from Aesthetic Medicine to Surgery. Dr Edoardo Coiante (Italy)
09.20 am – 09.45 am: Toward Personalized Facial Feminization: Simulation and Innovative Medical Devices – Dr Brice Tchakerian
09.45 am – 10.15 am: Facial Feminization Among Cis and Transgenders: A Single Centre Experience. Pr S.M. Balaji (India)
10.15 am – 10.30 am: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
10.30 AM – 11.00 AM: Coffee break
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM: Surgical Facial Bone Beautification
Chairs: Pr. Mohammad Sartawi (Jordan) & Dr. Ralph Abbou
11.00 am – 11.15 am: Enhancing Form and Function: The Art of Chin Wing Surgery. Dr. Jacques Saboye
11.15 am – 11.27 am: Redefining Foreheads: Advanced Frontal Bone Reshaping and Hairline Lowering Techniques. Dr. Ralph Abbou
11.27 am – 11.39 am: Volumetric Beautification: A Surgical and Medical Perspective Beyond Bone Procedures – Dr. Zuhair Al Fardan
11.39 am – 11.45 am: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
11:45 AM – 12:30 PM: Keynote Lecture – Aesthetic Cranio-Facial Surgery – Redefining Structure and Harmony
Chair: Dr. Jacques Saboye
11.45 am – 12.30 pm: Refining Aesthetics: Bridging Craniofacial Techniques with Cosmetic Surgery Practices. Pr. Mohammad Sartawi (Jordan)
12.30 PM - 1.30 PM: Lunch break
01:30 PM – 02:00 PM: Keynote Lecture – Anti-Aging Medicine for Surgeons: Integrating Anti-Aging Science into Surgical Practice
Chair: Pr. Jean-Paul Meningaud
Enhancing Aesthetic Surgery Outcomes: The Crucial Role of Anti-Aging Biological Assessments. Dr. Jean-François Bezot
02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Advancements in Aesthetic Oculoplastic Surgery I
Chairs: Pr. Mehdi Fendri (Tunisia) & Pr. Abdelouahed Karim (Morocco)
2.00 pm – 2.15 pm: Restoring Hollow Eyes with Lipofilling: The Natural Solution. Pr. Abdelouahed Karim
2.15 pm – 2.30 pm: Hollow Eyes and Hyaluronic Acid: The Art of Precision Filler Techniques . Dr. Hela Kamoun
2.30 pm – 2.40 pm: Orbital Advancement Prostheses: Are They Still Relevant in Modern Practice? Dr. Pierre Vincent Jacomet
2.40 pm – 2.55 pm: Revolutionizing Facial Contours: Bone-Centric Mask Lifts and Orbital Remodeling Techniques. Pr. Boris Laure
2.55 pm – 3.00 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
3.00 PM - 3.30 PM: Coffee break
03:30 PM – 05:30 PM: Advancements in Aesthetic Oculoplastic Surgery II
Chairs: Dr. Eric Sarfati & Dr. Cyrielle Bela (Switzerland)
3.30 pm – 3.45 pm: Blepharoplasty Complications: Is an Ophthalmology Assessment Legally Mandatory? Dr. Eric Sarfati
3.45 pm – 4.00 pm: Functional Upper Blepharoplasty: Balancing Aesthetics and Vision. Dr. Isabelle Larre
4.00 pm – 4.15 pm: The Art of Enhancing Lower Eyelids: Functional Lower Blepharoplasty Explained Dr. Cyrielle Bela
4.15 pm – 4.30 pm: Next-Level Techniques in Upper Blepharoplasty: Advanced Concepts . Pr. Mehdi Fendri
4.30 pm – 4.45 pm: Lower Blepharoplasty Mastery: Essential Techniques for Exceptional Results. Pr. Abdelouahed Karim
4.45 pm – 5.00 pm: Integrating Oncology and Aesthetics in Oculoplasty: Challenges and Innovations . Pr. Frédéric Mouriaux
5.00 pm – 5.15 pm: Decoding Pigmented Circles and Periorbital Hyperpigmentation: The Role of Traditional Surgery. Dr. Jacques Lagier
5.15 pm – 5.30 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts

19 JUNE - Gala AIME Congress 2025: The Cruise Of Elegance
20th June 2025 - Room 351
08:30 AM – 10:30 AM: Transforming Faces with Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery
Chairs: Pr. Julio Acero (Spain) & Pr. Riaz Ahmed Warraich (Pakistan)
08.30 am – 08.50 am: Transforming Faces: The Aesthetic Impact of Maxillomandibular Osteotomies. Dr. Thierry Loncle & Dr. Ugo Heller
08.50 am – 09.10 am: Achieving Aesthetic Precision in Orthognathic Surgery: The Power of Patient-Specific Guides and Implants. Pr. Thomas Schouman
09.10 am – 09.30 am: Harmonizing Form and Function: Aesthetic Enhancements in Orthognathic Surgery. Pr. Majeed Rana
09.30 am – 09.50 am: Computer-Assisted Surgery: A Tool to Improve Aesthetic Outcomes in Orthognathic Surgery? Dr. Eduardo Sánchez Jauregui
09.50 am – 10.10 am: Splintless Full-Guided Delairian Orthognathic Surgery for Aesthetic Harmonization of Facial Contours. Dr. Benoit Philippe
10.10 pm – 10.30 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
10.30 AM – 11.00 AM: Coffee break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Ultrasonic Nasal Bone Reshaping-Redefining precision in Rhinoplasty
Chairs: Dr. Amani Landoulsi & Dr. Eduardo Sánchez Jauregui
11.00 am – 11.45 am: Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty: A Revolutionary Approach by the Inventor. Dr. Olivier Gerbault
11.45 am – 11.57 am: The Best of Both Worlds: Hybrid Closed Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty. Dr. Ralph Abbou
11.57 am – 12.09 am: Post-Operative Edema and Stability in Rhinoplasty: Insights from Piezosurgery vs. Conventional Osteotomies. Dr. Amani Landoulsi
12.09 am –12.21 am: Multi-level osteotomies: a must have tool in crooked nose. Dr Serban Porumb (Romania)
12.21 am –12.30 am: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
12.30 PM - 1.30 PM: Lunch break
01:30 PM – 02:00 PM: Keynote Lecture – Anti-Aging Medicine for Surgeons: A New Frontier in Patient Care
Chair: Dr. Dorina Donici (Switzerland)
Beyond the Surface: Exploring Biohacking's Role in Aesthetic Enhancement. Dr. Denys Coester
02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Facial Beautification – Mastering the Art of Aesthetic Harmony
Chair: Dr. Frédéric Braccini
2.00 pm – 2.25 pm: The Anatomy of Beauty: Unlocking the Role of Bone Structure in Facial Aesthetics . Dr. Philippe Kestemont
2.25 pm – 2.35 pm: Jawline Sculpting with Prostheses: Masculinization Redefined . Dr. Brice Tchakerian
2.35 pm – 2.50 pm: A Regenerative Future: The Combined Camouflage Technique in Rhinoplasty . Dr. Brice Tchakerian
2.50 pm – 3.00 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
3.00 PM - 3.30 PM: Coffee break
03:30 PM – 04:30 PM: Modern Approaches to Jawline and Mandibular Angle Refinement
Chair: Pr. Julio Acero (Spain)
3.30 pm – 3.55 pm: Jawline Corrections: Meeting Expectations. Pr. S.M. Balaji
3.55 pm – 4.20 pm: Sculpting the Perfect Jawline: The Art of Mandibular Aesthetics. Pr. Riaz Ahmed Warraich
4.20 pm – 4.30 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
04:30 PM – 05:30 PM: Facial Rejuvenation – Face Lift Algorithm
Chair: Dr. Philippe Kestemont
4.30 pm – 4.55 pm: Rethinking Threads: Surgical Insight for Optimal Outcomes – Dr. Jean-Paul Foumenteze
4.55 pm – 5.20 pm: Innovative Strategies in Deep Plane Facelift and Neck Lift. Pr. Jean-Paul Meningaud
5.20 pm – 5.30 pm: Panel discussion and Interactive Q&A with the Experts
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