Conference room 1 / Havane auditorium
(Partnership CMS and BTS)
Chairs: Dr Jérôme Paris & Dr Frederic Braccini
08.30 am – 08.45 am: Facial muscle: Where anatomy meets the art of aesthetics. Dr Philippe Kestemont
08.45 am – 09.00 am: Mastering facial dynamics: the art and science of botulinum toxin treatment. Dr. Laurie Saloner
09.00 am – 09.15 am: Personalized botulinum toxin treatment. Dr Frédéric Braccini
09.15 am – 09.30 am: Facial symmetry redefined: the role of botulinum toxin in aesthetic balance. Dr Jérôme Paris
09.30 am – 09.40 am: Enhancing lower face with botulinum Toxin. Dr Soraya Sadi
09.40 am – 09.50 am: Mesotherapy meets botulinum toxin: a synergic approach. Dr Férial Fanian
10.00 am – 10.10 am: Empowering self-esteem: the role of Botulinum toxin in aesthetic treatment. Dr Lucie Chauvelin
10.10 am – 10.20 am: Treatment of botulinum toxin-induced ptosis. Dr Eric Sarfati
10.20 am – 10.30 am: Pearls & Pitfalls in Facial Aesthetics:The use of Botulinum Toxin combined with SEL technologyskills and art in periorbital aesthetic medicine. Pr Aris sterodimas
Coffee Break: A dedicated time for attendees to relax and network over freshly brewed coffee and an assortment of teas, accompanied by a selection of pastries and light snacks.
Exhibition Stands: An opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their latest products, technologies, and services. Attendees can explore the stands, engage with exhibitors, and learn about industry advancements.
Demonstration Workshop at Booth: A hands-on, interactive workshop conducted at a specific exhibitor’s booth, where live demonstrations of products or techniques are presented, allowing attendees to see practical applications and ask questions in real time.
Chairs: Dr Cyrielle Bela & Dr Eric Sarfati
11.00 am – 11.10 am: Exploring the limits of botulinum toxin for periorbital rejuvenation. Pr Karim Abdelouahed
11.10 am – 11.20 am: Maximizing potential: hyaluronic acid limits in periocular injection techniques. Dr Cyrielle Bela
11.20 am – 11.30 am: Technique for beautifying the eyes’ area by heating the skin technique with energy-based devices. Dr Eric Sarfati
11.30 am – 11.40 am: Beautification of periorbital area: skin hydration techniques. Dr Jacques Lagier
11.40 am – 11.50 am: A new trend, the use of exosomes for periorbital rejuvenation: focus on techniques for best outcomes.
Dr Zunaid Alli
11.50 am – 12.00 am: An innovative Korean treatment for periorbital rejuvenation: Liquid Thread PDO injectables. Pr Barbara Hersant
Buffet Lunch Break: Attendees are invited to enjoy a buffet-style lunch offering a diverse selection of dishes. The buffet is designed to cater to various dietary needs and preferences, ensuring a satisfying and relaxing dining experience. This break is also a great opportunity for participants to network and discuss the sessions in a casual setting.
Exhibition Stands: The exhibition area remains open during the lunch break, providing a perfect chance for attendees to explore and engage with exhibitors. This relaxed period allows for thorough discussions about innovative products and services showcased at the stands.
Live Demonstrations at Booths: Continue throughout the lunch break at specific exhibitor booths. These demonstrations give a practical look at new techniques and products, offering attendees the chance to see their effectiveness firsthand and interact directly with the experts.
Chairs: Dr Sophie Menkes & Dr Pietro Gentile
1.30 pm – 1.35 pm: AIRMESS introduction. Dr Sophie Menke and Dr Pietro Gentile
1.35 pm – 1.50 pm: Exosomes use in practice and regulation. Dr Elena Rumyantseva
1.50 pm – 2.05 pm: Exosomes therapies, how to repair the skin barriers. Dr Sophie Menkes
1.50 pm – 2.05 pm: Comparing PRP and Exosome therapy: differences and benefits. Dr Pierre Bonetti
2.05 pm – 2.15 pm: The polynucleotide, growth factor and exosome treatments: a Head to head practical analysis.
Dr Catherine de Goursac
2.15 pm – 2.25 pm: Exosomes from lactobacillus in aesthetic dermatology. Dr Arnaud Lambert
Afternoon Snack Break: This break offers attendees a chance to recharge with a selection of snacks, including fresh fruits, pastries, and beverages like coffee and tea. It's a relaxed moment to enjoy light refreshments while networking with peers and discussing the day’s events.
Exhibition Stands: The exhibition stands remain accessible during this break, allowing attendees to further explore products and innovations without the rush of scheduled sessions. It’s an ideal time for more in-depth interactions with exhibitors.
Live Demonstrations at Booths: Demonstrations continue at various exhibitor booths, providing ongoing opportunities to witness practical applications of new technologies and techniques in a more intimate setting. This allows for focused attention and interaction between attendees and presenters.
Chairs: Dr Stefania De Fazio & Pr Simone La Padula
3.30 pm – 3.35 pm: SICPRE introduction. Dr Stefania De Fazio
3.35 pm – 3.50 pm: How have i launched my practice and succeed in regenerative medicine. Dr Sophie Menkes
3.50 pm – 4.05 pm: Getting started in regenerative medicine: essential tools and indications. Dr Vivien Moris
4.05 pm – 4.15 pm: Fat grafting preparation: where we are in 2025? Pr Simone Lapadula
4.15 pm – 4.25 pm: Fat harvesting: the key rules for successful adipose grafting. Pr Barbara Hersant
4.25 pm – 4.40 pm: Fat grafting in breast augmentation for beginners. Pr Pietro Gentile
4.40 pm – 4.50 pm: Title to come. Dr Beatriz Nicaretta
4.50 pm – 5.10 pm: Key note lecture: StromalEnriched Lipograft: From Research to Real-World Application using the latest advanced emerging technologies for the face, breast & body aesthetics. Pr Aris Sterodimas
Conference room 2 / Room 351
Chairs: Pr S.M. Balaji & Pr Mohammad Sartawi
08.30 am – 08.55 am: Transforming Transitions: The Essential Role of Lifting Techniques Post Bone Remodeling in Transgender Patients. Dr Nicola Beneducce (Italy)
08.55 am – 09.20 am: Transforming Beauty: The Evolution of Forehead Feminization from Aesthetic Medicine to Surgery –
Dr Edoardo Coiante (Italy)
08.55 am – 09.20 am: Toward Personalized Facial Feminization: Simulation and Innovative Medical Devices – Dr Brice Tchakerian
09.20 am – 09.35 am: Facial Feminization Among Normal Females and Transgenders: A Single Centre Experience.
Pr S.M. Balaji (India)
Coffee Break: A dedicated time for attendees to relax and network over freshly brewed coffee and an assortment of teas, accompanied by a selection of pastries and light snacks.
Exhibition Stands: An opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their latest products, technologies, and services. Attendees can explore the stands, engage with exhibitors, and learn about industry advancements.
Demonstration Workshop at Booth: A hands-on, interactive workshop conducted at a specific exhibitor’s booth, where live demonstrations of products or techniques are presented, allowing attendees to see practical applications and ask questions in real time.
Chairs: Pr. Mohammad Sartawi (Jordan) & Dr. Ralph Abbou
11.00 am – 11.15 am: Enhancing Form and Function: The Art of Chin Wing Surgery. Dr. Jacques Saboye
11.15 am – 11.27 am: Redefining Foreheads: Advanced Frontal Bone Reshaping and Hairline Lowering Techniques. Dr. Ralph Abbou
11.27 am – 11.39 am: Volumetric Beautification: A Surgical and Medical Perspective Beyond Bone Procedures – Dr. Zuhair Al Fardan
Chairs: Dr. Jacques Saboye
11.45 am – 12.30 pm: Refining Aesthetics: Bridging Craniofacial Techniques with Cosmetic Surgery Practices.
Pr. Mohammad Sartawi (Jordan)
Buffet Lunch Break: Attendees are invited to enjoy a buffet-style lunch offering a diverse selection of dishes. The buffet is designed to cater to various dietary needs and preferences, ensuring a satisfying and relaxing dining experience. This break is also a great opportunity for participants to network and discuss the sessions in a casual setting.
Exhibition Stands: The exhibition area remains open during the lunch break, providing a perfect chance for attendees to explore and engage with exhibitors. This relaxed period allows for thorough discussions about innovative products and services showcased at the stands.
Live Demonstrations at Booths: Continue throughout the lunch break at specific exhibitor booths. These demonstrations give a practical look at new techniques and products, offering attendees the chance to see their effectiveness firsthand and interact directly with the experts.
Speaker: Pr. Jean-Paul Meningaud
01.30 pm – 02.00 pm: Enhancing Aesthetic Surgery Outcomes: The Crucial Role of Anti-Aging Biological Assessments.Dr. Jean-François Bezot
Chairs: Pr. Mehdi Fendri (Tunisia) & Pr. Abdelouahed Karim (Morocco)
2.00 pm – 2.15 pm: Hollow Eye and Lipofilling. Pr. Abdelouahed Karim
2.15 pm – 2.30 pm: Hollow Eye and Hyaluronic Acid. Dr. Hela Kamoun
2.30 pm – 2.40 pm: Are Orbital Advancement Prostheses Still Relevant Today? Dr. Pierre Vincent Jacomet
2.40 pm – 2.55 pm: Revolutionizing Facial Contours: Bone-Centric Mask Lifts and Orbital Remodeling Techniques. Pr. Boris Laure
Afternoon Snack Break: This break offers attendees a chance to recharge with a selection of snacks, including fresh fruits, pastries, and beverages like coffee and tea. It's a relaxed moment to enjoy light refreshments while networking with peers and discussing the day’s events.
Exhibition Stands: The exhibition stands remain accessible during this break, allowing attendees to further explore products and innovations without the rush of scheduled sessions. It’s an ideal time for more in-depth interactions with exhibitors.
Live Demonstrations at Booths: Demonstrations continue at various exhibitor booths, providing ongoing opportunities to witness practical applications of new technologies and techniques in a more intimate setting. This allows for focused attention and interaction between attendees and presenters.
Chairs: Dr. Eric Sarfati & Dr. Cyrielle Bela (Switzerland)
3.30 pm – 3.45 pm: Is the Ophthalmology Assessment Enforceable in Case of Complications After Blepharoplasty? Dr. Eric Sarfati
3.45 pm – 4.00 pm: Exploring Functional Upper Blepharoplasty. Dr. Isabelle Larre
4.00 pm – 4.15 pm: Enhancing Lower Eyelids: The Art of Functional Lower Blepharoplasty. Dr. Cyrielle Bela
4.15 pm – 4.30 pm: Advanced Concepts in Upper Blepharoplasty. Pr. Mehdi Fendri
4.30 pm – 4.45 pm: Mastering Lower Blepharoplasty: Essential Techniques for Optimal Results. Pr. Abdelouahed Karim
4.45 pm – 5.00 pm: Bridging Oncology and Aesthetics in Oculoplasty. Pr. Frédéric Mouriaux
5.00 pm – 5.15 pm: Pathophysiology: Pigmented Circles or Periorbital Hyperpigmentation – The Role of Traditional Surgery.
Dr. Jacques Lagier
Conference room 3 / Room 352 A
Chairs: Dr Sophie Menkes & Barbara Hersant
08.30 am – 08.35 am: ISRAIT Introduction. Dr Sophie Menkes and Dr Massimiliano Brambilla (Italia)
08.35 am – 08.50 am: Exploring Vulvovaginal Anatomy in intimate procedure. Dr Philippe Garcia
08.50 am – 09.05 am: Choosing the appropriate PRP, a decision making algorithm for the treatment of genital area pathologies.
Dr Massimiliano Brambilla (Italia)
09.05 am – 09.15 am: The Use of exosomes in intimate medicine: a game changer? Dr Sophie Menkes (Switzerland)
09.15 am – 09.25 am: Energy based device in Gynecology: algorithme and Evidence-Based-Medicine. Dr Diala Haykal
09.25 am – 09.35 am: Medical Thread lift for vulvovaginal laxity and rejuvenation: How to do it? Dr Naima Sedrati (Morocco)
09.35 am – 09.45 am: Highlighting the effect of laser and RF in urinary incontinence by ultrasound. Dr Catherine Eychennes
09.45 am – 09.55 am: Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) and genitourinary syndrome of lactation (GSL): two sides of the same coin. Pr Inna Apolikhina (Russia)
09.55 am – 10.05 am: Clitoroplasty in women with clitoral hypertrophy. Dr Marcelo Praxedes (Brasil)
10.05 am – 10.20 am: New trend in urology: Botulinum toxin and PRP injections: Dr Karim Ferhi
Coffee Break: A dedicated time for attendees to relax and network over freshly brewed coffee and an assortment of teas, accompanied by a selection of pastries and light snacks.
Exhibition Stands: An opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their latest products, technologies, and services. Attendees can explore the stands, engage with exhibitors, and learn about industry advancements.
Demonstration Workshop at Booth: A hands-on, interactive workshop conducted at a specific exhibitor’s booth, where live demonstrations of products or techniques are presented, allowing attendees to see practical applications and ask questions in real time.
Chairs: Dr Claude Dalle
11.00 am – 11.15 am: Artificial Intelligence and preventive medicine. Dr Benani
11.15 am – 11.35 am: Senolytics: which prescription? Dr Curtay
11.35 am – 11.55 am: La nouvelle radiologie interventionnelle. Dr Hakime
11.55 am – 12.15 pm: Les biomarqueurs critiques du milieu de vie. Dr D’Alessio
12.15 pm – 12.25 pm: Comment intégrer une consultation d’anti-âge à sa pratique clinique. Dr Jean Louis Briançon
Buffet Lunch Break: Attendees are invited to enjoy a buffet-style lunch offering a diverse selection of dishes. The buffet is designed to cater to various dietary needs and preferences, ensuring a satisfying and relaxing dining experience. This break is also a great opportunity for participants to network and discuss the sessions in a casual setting.
Exhibition Stands: The exhibition area remains open during the lunch break, providing a perfect chance for attendees to explore and engage with exhibitors. This relaxed period allows for thorough discussions about innovative products and services showcased at the stands.
Live Demonstrations at Booths: Continue throughout the lunch break at specific exhibitor booths. These demonstrations give a practical look at new techniques and products, offering attendees the chance to see their effectiveness firsthand and interact directly with the experts.
Chairs: Dr Diala Haykal and M. Patrick Detartre
01.30 am – 01.50 am: Transformational Leadership in Healthcare. Dr Diala Haykal
01.50 am – 02.20 am: Building High Performance Teams in Healthcare. M. Patrick Dutartre
02.20 am – 02.40 am: Leading the future of aesthetic medicine: best practices in patient management, data-driven insights and AI Innovation. Mme Tracy Cohen
02.40 am – 02.50 am: Concrete uses of AI in aesthetic medicine. M. Vincent Laeuffer